Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One Meal One Day

     It is here November 9, 2011. Today is "One meal One day" with Compassion International. What a blessing to be part of something so much bigger then we are. In case you don't know what it is I will explain. Today people all over will be giving up one meal and donating the money from that meal to Compassion International to feed children in extreme poverty. I would love to challenge you to be a part. It is not to late! For the past several days our family has been preparing. It has been exciting to see our children want to help. They have also been able to see the big picture, the fact that we have everything we need to end world hunger in this generation. It is just a matter of everyone doing their part. To see the reaction in their eyes when they realized that 43 cents a day is what it cost to feed a child in extreme poverty. The light bulb in their head went off, that is so little compared to what we have. I am so happy that we get to be the hands and feet of Jesus today as we are hungry today so a child won't be!
     Lord, use us to make a difference, let us join in with so many others and give up what we have in order to help those you don't have. God, thank you for Compassion International who is standing in the gap for "the least of these". Let this not be a time of  me, me, me but a focus on what YOU can and will do thru us if we are willing to step out of our comfort zone and allow YOU to use us in YOUR plans. Jesus I am believing that you will bless this effort just as YOU did the fish and loaves and the multitude will be feed! In Jesus name, Amen.

Investing in Eternity,