Well it has been a year ago since my family was blessed to be a part of your Godly love story. As I look back, I smile.

Let me introduce you to Cari, a beautiful Godly women waiting for the man God had for her. During her waiting time she choose to serve God. She gave her singleness to God to use for Him and did He ever use her. Cari used the beautiful voice and musical ability that God placed in her and openly shared it with others. She was so blessed to have a Mom and Dad that loved her so much that they encouraged her in the Lord and taught her not just in knowledge but by example of what a Godly women is inside and out. Cari, being obedient to the instruction and authority God placed over her began the process of trusting that God had her future in His hands. She would read the word of God and use it as an instruction manual for her life. She would talk to God about this man that He had planed for her.

Meet Tim, he is from "down under". I will never forget the first time we met Tim. He was so full of the love of Jesus that it just spilled out onto those around him. Tim took time with the children, he talked with them, he gave them eye contact, Tim treated them each as someone VERY important. Our children were so drawn to him. See Tim had not always served the Lord but when he made the decision to make Jesus the Lord of his life he meant it and God gave him a way of reaching young people. Tim also has been given a wonderful voice that he has agreed to use for the Lord. Tim teaches at Cari's uncles school. (Thank you Steve for going to Australia 26 years ago.....or else Tim would not be in our lives) Tim was also waiting and praying for the one women that God had for him. He too, choose to serve God while he was waiting.
Then, when they least expected it, God made their paths to cross. The long distance relationship began! Phone calls, emails, and the precious Skype time caused them to realize that each was "the one" God had for them. After visits few and far between, the time came when Tim knew that Cari was the Princess for him. He asked for her Fathers blessing (guys this is the way it is to be done) and so he asked and she accepted.
Now, looking back a year ago to their wedding day I want to thank them both for being great examples of what a "Godly Relationship" looks like. Their wedding day was precious and surrounded with the presence of God. It was a ceremony of three Tim, Cari, and Christ joining together in one union.
Thank you Tim and Cari, not only do my children have an example of what a "pure" love relationship looks like but you also have been an example of how to trust and serve God while you are single. You have showed how to not rush into relationships but instead let God lead you into the right relationship. Thank you for putting God first in your lives.
Happy First Anniversary, We love you both and are so excited to see you serve the Lord.