Saturday, January 12, 2013

Three years ago...

     I can't believe it was 3 years ago today that Haiti was forever changed by the shaking of such a large earthquake. A country where people were already in GREAT NEED. I can not imagine the thoughts that the people must still have. So much devastation in only a minute or two. The U.S. has had some recent times of rebuilding with Sandy hitting the east coast and of course Katrina. Even our rebuilding is still in progress and we are blessed to have knowledgeable people able to assist.
     Last April, I was in Rwanda and I was reminded of how I have been so guilty of assuming everyone had certain things. It was evening and we were on the bus on our way back from touring a history museum of Rwanda. It was raining at a good steady pace and then, fairly close to our turn, we were stopped. No police, no flashing lights, no one directing traffic. Just stopped! We had no idea why. Some of the men tried to get out and see what was wrong or if they could assist. They returned to the bus soaked from the rain but found out that a large tree on the hill beside the road had fallen on to the road making it impossible for any traffic to pass on either side of the road. After waiting, and then trying to turn around and take another road (which was usually a dirt road but now nothing but mud) we were stuck there to wait. When the traffic was finally able to start moving again and we passed by this large tree lying on the road we all saw something that none of us ever see at all with small hand held hatchets cutting away at the HUGE  tree. It was so unbelievable quiet. No chainsaws, no trucks with large chains trying to pull the tree, just several men doing the best they could with what they had.
     Haiti was not able to just have all the local construction companies join forces with all of their large equipment and just clean up the rubble and start rebuilding with new floor plans in hand. They had to do the best they could with what they had. The process is not even close to being finished. It has taken a lot of very generous people to help stand in the gap for the people of Haiti. I believe God has brought good out of this tragedy, I know people that have never been on a mission trip, decide to go to Haiti and help. Organizations that were already established in Haiti began to go into immediate action. People helping people is that not what we Christians are called to do.
     In the days to come please continue to lift Haiti up in your prayers. They are a people that have lost so much, but have so much to gain. If you would like to offer financial help please find an organization and donate. Compassion International has been in Haiti for years,  helping the local churches to develop children to be all that God has called them to be. Three years ago Compassion saw and felt a greater need and began offering relief aid and is helping rebuild. Teaching the adults building skills. Giving the people of Haiti HOPE. Hope in this life and in Eternity.  Partner with Compassion and help make the world a better child at a time.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Eric......

     Happy14th  Birthday Eric!!!!
     Today my heart is turned toward Eric, the first child we sponsored with Compassion. Today, October 1st, 2012 is his 14th birthday. He had just turned 8 years old when our relationship began. God brought him into our lives to be a blessing to him and to change us also.

      I remember the first time I saw his picture.  It was November 2006. We were at a Bebo Norman concert and he was sharing about Compassion. Jon asked me what I thought (we wanted to sponsor a child for a while but just was not financially able). I told him that I thought we were supposed to do this. We agreed that if God wanted us to step out in faith and sponsor we would get to sponsor a child close to one of our four children's age. Jon raised his hand and the packet passed to us was .......Eric! Immediately, I checked his birthday and saw that it was EXACTLY 15 days (to the year) older than our oldest child. We knew right then that he was the one God had for us. We were excited. We decided that we were not going to tell our children, but instead, we would wrap the packet (along with the packet of Lizet who we also decided to sponsor that night) in wrapping paper and give it to them the morning of Thanksgiving. The next couple of weeks, I would go in and pull out the packets and just look at the pictures. Finally, Thanksgiving morning came and we sat our children down with their "Thanksgiving" gifts.  They were surprised and excited. They had never been given "Thanksgiving gifts" before.  They opened the gifts and looked at us waiting for an explanation. We began to share with them about Eric and about Compassion. I will never forget Josiah asking, "Can we get him a pair of shoes?  His toes are hanging over these." Oh, the lesson right there, Josiah was able to see someone his own age in need and that we could supply that need. We spent the day thankful for what we had and what we could give.

     Next, we began to exchange letters. I have saved every letter and treasure them. 
 I will never forget his second letter to us. He shared that his brother recently died and that God was keeping them strong in this difficult time. It is unbelievable how much you and get to know about someone in letters....6 years of letters,.I feel like I know Eric. In Eric's 7th letter he began to ask to meet "face to face".

Five months ago I traveled to Rwanda and we met "face to face". I had the blessing of spending the day with him, giving him gifts, talking, and placing my hand on his shoulder and praying over him.

Eric, because of you, my life will NEVER be the same! I pray that you have a very blessed birthday, that you realize who you are in Christ, that you continue to follow the purpose and plan that God has for your life.
I will never forget the day we met "FACE to FACE".

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Volunteering .......nothing like it!

     Last night, Jon and I had the great privilege to volunteer at the Compassion booth of a Matthew West concert.  It brings me great joy to meet other sponsors and share compassion stories. Living in a small rural area we do not get enough opportunities to do this.  Last night was wonderful; 33 children were sponsored! That does not mean 33 lives are now forever changed. It means many more than 33 lives were changed last night. Of course the child and the sponsor, but that child's entire family will be affected by that sponsorship along with the entire family or youth group that sponsored them. Also, the friends and neighbors of both parties will be changed. The child's family will be able to have an unbelievable testimony to all in their communities. The sponsor will now find themselves eager to share about this child, who has, by divine appointment, stepped into their world and who prays for them regularly!
     Distance and time is nothing for God! I have found that a fourth of the way around the world or even half way around the world really is not that far!
     If you have never sponsored a child I encourage you to do so. Go to and become HOPE to a child! You will be changed FOREVER! Who doesn't like to help children......they are the future!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy First Anniversary Tim and Cari!

     Well it has been a year ago since my family was blessed to be a part of your Godly love story.  As I look back, I smile.

     Let me introduce you to Cari, a beautiful Godly women waiting for the man God had for her.  During her waiting time she choose to serve God. She gave her singleness to God to use for Him and did He ever use her. Cari used the beautiful voice and musical ability that God placed in her and openly shared it with others.  She was so blessed to have a Mom and Dad that loved her so much that they encouraged her in the Lord and taught her not just in knowledge but by example of what a Godly women is inside and out. Cari, being obedient to the instruction and authority God placed over her began the process of trusting that God had her future in His hands.  She would read the word of God and use it as an instruction manual for her life.  She would talk to God about this man that He had planed for her.
     Meet Tim, he is from "down under".  I will never forget the first time we met Tim.  He was so full of the love of Jesus that it just spilled out onto those around him.  Tim took time with the children, he talked with them, he gave them eye contact, Tim treated them each as someone VERY important.  Our children were so drawn to him.  See Tim had not always served the Lord but when he made the decision to make Jesus the Lord of his life he meant it and God gave him a way of reaching young people.  Tim also has been given a wonderful voice that he has agreed to use for the Lord. Tim teaches at Cari's uncles school. (Thank you Steve for going to Australia 26 years ago.....or else Tim would not be in our lives)  Tim was also waiting and praying for the one women that God had for him.  He too, choose to serve God while he was waiting.
     Then, when they least expected it, God made their paths to cross. The long distance relationship began!  Phone calls, emails, and the precious Skype time caused them to realize that each was "the one" God had for them. After visits few and far between, the time came when Tim knew that Cari was the Princess for him.  He asked for her Fathers blessing (guys this is the way it is to be done) and so he asked and she accepted.
     Now, looking back a year ago to their wedding day I want to thank them both for being great examples of what a "Godly Relationship" looks like.  Their wedding day was precious and surrounded with the presence of God.  It was a ceremony of three Tim, Cari, and Christ joining together in one union.
     Thank you Tim and Cari, not only do my children have an example of what a "pure" love relationship looks like but you also have been an example of how to trust and serve God while you are single.  You have showed how to not rush into relationships but instead let God lead you into the right relationship. Thank you for putting God first in your lives.
                         Happy First Anniversary, We love you both                                                and are so excited to see you serve the Lord.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One Meal One Day

     It is here November 9, 2011. Today is "One meal One day" with Compassion International. What a blessing to be part of something so much bigger then we are. In case you don't know what it is I will explain. Today people all over will be giving up one meal and donating the money from that meal to Compassion International to feed children in extreme poverty. I would love to challenge you to be a part. It is not to late! For the past several days our family has been preparing. It has been exciting to see our children want to help. They have also been able to see the big picture, the fact that we have everything we need to end world hunger in this generation. It is just a matter of everyone doing their part. To see the reaction in their eyes when they realized that 43 cents a day is what it cost to feed a child in extreme poverty. The light bulb in their head went off, that is so little compared to what we have. I am so happy that we get to be the hands and feet of Jesus today as we are hungry today so a child won't be!
     Lord, use us to make a difference, let us join in with so many others and give up what we have in order to help those you don't have. God, thank you for Compassion International who is standing in the gap for "the least of these". Let this not be a time of  me, me, me but a focus on what YOU can and will do thru us if we are willing to step out of our comfort zone and allow YOU to use us in YOUR plans. Jesus I am believing that you will bless this effort just as YOU did the fish and loaves and the multitude will be feed! In Jesus name, Amen.

Investing in Eternity,


Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th

     Growing up, September 11th was always a known day in our house. It's my mothers birthday.  I can honestly say I really don't remember any of my mom's birthdays except September 11, 2001.  How can any of us forget?  I remember having the news on that morning like I did every morning.  I sat down on the end of the bed as the coverage started.  I was watching as the second plane hit.  It was a shock!  I kept thinking, "not here, not on U.S. soil."  I told Jon what was happening.  We both stopped to watched.
     It was a very different phone call that morning when I called to wish my mom a happy birthday.  We talked about what we were watching on the news and how it was on every channel.  One of the things I have thought about each year since was this: My parents were hosting an exchange student from Brazil.  Her mom called and wanted to talk to her to be sure everything was OK.  Mom went to the school and brought her home.  I can't imagine what was going through her parents minds.  When we got to the house, she sat and watched with great concern with us.  I sat with my parents, my two little boys, and a dear friend from Brazil. We just could not believe what we were seeing.  The news coverage just kept going from New York to Washington D.C. to Pennsylvania.  The air traffic was stopped.  The phone lines were all busy.  We were unable to make or receive any international phone calls.  From that day on, life, as we knew it changed.  Backpacks are now searched at amusement parks and pro ball games.  We now have to tell our loved ones goodbye before we reach the terminal at the airport. 
     I personally did not know anyone with a direct connection to those who lost their lives 10 years ago.  I still feel a deep whole in my heart for them as if I did know them.  I will never forget the rescue workers who so selflessly gave at all cost.  True examples of what a hero is.  I remember the way that this horrific tragedy united our blessed country.  The feeling of pride every time I see our beautiful flag; the respect I have when I see any type of rescue worker; the way everyone prayed.
     Today, my family was invited to minister in music at another church. Although my children are too young to remember 9/11 or a pre 9/11 world they led a patriotic medley.  I cried as I saw them play and heard them sing in honor of this great nation on such a day as this.  I had the responsibility of telling them about the history of today.  With attentive ears they listened and even watched some of the original footage.  They saw a re-enactment of what was believed to take place on Flight 93.  So many heroes on that one flight.
     May we always remember how blessed this nation is.  May we always tell our loved ones that we love them. With no guarantee of tomorrow may we never let the sun set on our wrath.  May we share with the next generation the Christianity upon which this great nation was founded.  May we daily be looking for people to share the story of the greatest rescue worker, JESUS CHRIST, and how He gave His life so we could be rescued from this life.
     With a thankful heart, take time to pray for this nation, the leaders of this nation, and the future of this nation.  God has shed His grace on America and His truth is marching on!

Investing in Eternity,


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Scabs vs. Scars

     Last weekend I was reminded of the difference between scabs and scars.  I'm sure you are thinking, "I could care less."  Trust me, I think this may help anyone with kids, family or even friends.
     I guess I should go back to the time of the accident.  It was several months ago.  See God had a plan and Satan didn't like it and we, as a family, found ourselves in the middle of it.  Knowing that it was a spiritual battle helped, but, I'm sure you have been there, IT STILL HURT!  Our family has had to lean on God, trust Him, and pray like never before.  Recovery is always a hard road that sometimes comes with setbacks.  Just when you think that things are going good, SETBACK!!  I must confess that it is true:  the less you look at the wound the more you tend to forget about it.  Then, out of nowhere, you get bumped and all of a sudden you remember that you are still very sore, but you find yourself somewhat happy because you realize that YOU ARE HEALING!!
     It is so hard when you see the people you love get their scab knocked off.  You know how kids know better, but they still just can't resist picking at their scab even after you have repeatedly told them not to.  Well, it's the same with spiritual scabs.  Kids may not be talking about it but they still think about it which has the same affect as picking at a scab.  The more you pick at it (or think about it) the more it keeps the wound from healing.  I now understand that Satan is trying to do what he can to keep the scab from healing.  He is not picky.  He will use words, deeds, action, and thoughts.  You see, he knows that if we continue to clean the wound with prayer and wrap it in the word it WILL HEAL and all that will be left is a scar.  Most people don't like scars, but the great thing about them is that the area has COMPLETELY HEALED!!!!  When we look at the scar we instantly remember what happened.  We can even remember the pain that it caused.  Once you have got hurt you are even cautious when you get close to the same thing that caused you so much pain.  Sometimes people even ask about your scar and how it happened.  Can you believe that other people can learn from your pain?
       Have you ever been to the place when you think the scab is healing and just about ready to fall off all its own and suddenly you discover that it has been picked at (or thought about) just enough to keep it from healing.  As a parent you try not to bring it up because you don't want to be the one who keeps the thoughts alive and cause the healing to take longer.  Just because someone on the outside looks as if everything is OK, that doesn't mean that it is all OK.  That is what my children taught me last weekend.  They have tried to be brave, strong, and continue to go along as if nothing was wrong.  All the while, the scabs were just not healing.  I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit made a point to let them know that what was troubling them was important to Him.  Even though they had been able to hide the scabs from us, God knew it was time for them to heal so just a scar would be left.
     When it comes to children, they need all the love, support, and prayers that we can give them.  Today's youth has many scabs; some more visible than others.  I think the most effective way to help heal these scabs is to spend time interceding on their behalf.  The Holy Spirit will let you know when you can stop because the scab will have COMPLETELY HEALED and turned into a scar.
Investing in Eternity,

Investing in Eternity,