Monday, May 30, 2011


 Memorial Day 2011.

     Today I am thinking about all the young men and women who have so unselfishly took 24/7 out of their lives to defend this land that I love.  I have been blessed to have been on foreign soil one time and I cannot express the feeling that came over me when I knew that I was no longer in the U.S.  A feeling of loneliness; as if others may not really believe or trust me, was evident.  I believed that others looked at me as if I was out of place, a misfit, a fish out of water.
     I remember the feelings that flooded me when I knew that I was back on U.S. soil. I had such a sense of pride, safety, and security.  I was home...the place I belonged.  I live in the great country of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. I am so thankful and I feel so blessed to be a woman living in this great nation. A nation where many men and women have left the comfort of their homes and family and many never returned to that safe and secure feeling to which I was able to return. I think about all the blood that was shed by these soldiers. I remember stories that my great uncle would share with us when we were younger. He was a P.O.W.  My mind cannot imagine what all he and so many others have went through so that I can sit here today listening to my family and friends play and sing music to the Lord, and that I can write a blog to share about my Jesus and how the Holy Spirit so wants to be active in every aspect of our lives.  Just the sight of the red and white stripes with the blue background to those 50 white stars, or the sound of just the first few notes to "The Star Spangled Banner" brings me back to all the same feelings that I had when I was back in my own country.  I love this country.  I love upon which it was founded!  I am filled with emotion when I see the flag pass me in a parade and I am eager to stand to my feet in respect of the lives given for my freedom.  For the past several years, I have purposed to shake the hand of men in women in uniform.  With a tear in my eye, I say, "On behalf of my family and I, Thank you for your service."  I am very humbled and they are so deserving. 
     Last Saturday I spent the day with a friend who served this country for 8 years.  She shared about her and her husband being deployed just months after their daughter was born.  She shared how she missed those mother moments like the first tooth, crawling, first steps, first words, and first birthday.  She missed the first year of mothering.  She expressed how it was hard and how she cried after notification of each missed milestone.  I share this with you because even though you may not know her or her husband, they served on your behalf. They missed that first year of bonding with their daughter in order to defend the things you and I take for granted today and everyday.  So, to Sandy and Troy and thousands of others, I say this. While I was in the comfort of my home complaining of sleep deprived nights, the price of formula and diapers, you were defending the rights of others, thousands of miles away missing your baby.   I pray that God blesses you far beyond on what you missed.  You are so valued and I truly appreciate your sacrifice.