Friday, June 3, 2011

Raising A Princess

     Millions of people watched April 29, 2011 as Prince William and Kate Middleton were united in marriage.  It seemed a fairytale picture perfect wedding with lots of media coverage and the finest that money could buy.  Souvenirs of all price ranges, a dress designed just for the bride, a four minute walk down the aisle, and all was sealed with the balcony kiss as the world watched.
     Kate Middleton was once someone that no one knew.  She was just a little girl growing up at home, playing with friends and family.  Just making childhood memories.  I bet she had no idea that her future would one day be that people worldwide would speak of her as if they were on a first name basis or that she would be recognized by people of every nation. 
     My husband and I, together with the Lord, are raising two princesses.  We are at that wonderful stage of family time and making memories.  In my mother's heart I believe that someday their prince will come.  I must admit that I have been praying that he, too, will be of royalty.  We are trying to prepare them for their role of a royal bride.  To accept all the duties and enjoy all the benefits that a life of royalty has to offer.  I don't expect the same kind of media coverage on their wedding day.  Most likely they will wear a dress right off the rack and the walk down the aisle will be less than four minutes.  But, every detail of their wedding will be observed by the Creator of the heavens and the earth.  King Jesus will be the most honored guest. 
     You see, my little girls have already made the choice to be of the royal family, each of them a princess to the Most High.  They know and have accepted that they were bought with blood....Royal blood.  They are part of the blood line that heals and restores, that cleanses and saves all mankind. 
     I do think of them as "my little girls", but I know they are God's and I feel so honored that He chose for their little souls to be housed in the flesh of my flesh and is allowing me the privilege of shaping their lives and sharing the truth of eternal life with their souls.             

 Raising a princess is a full time job with eternal benefits.

     Investing in Eternity, 