I had a very "eye opening" experience and I knew immediately that I was to share this with you all.
I was driving today and saw a car passing another car. The car that was passing was going VERY fast. Both cars were coming at me. The fast car got back in it's lane very quickly. The car that was being passed turned off just a few hundred feet after it was passed so you know that it wasn't going very fast at all. God showed me how there have been times that I was that fast car, in a hurry, and the slow car was the "obstacle in my life" that God had not moved.. I tried to get ahead of God all because I was not patient and willing to wait on Him. Instead, I was willing to risk an accident, even a great tragedy. All the while, God was moving the "slow car" out of my way if only I would just be patient and wait on Him. God gave me a visual of how close we get to that place where He all but has that obstacle out of our path. I saw just how close we get to having an "open lane". If that car would have just waited mere seconds; but no, we just don't wait. We try to hurry and, in the meantime, are a distraction to others and risk their well being. Since we can't see what is ahead, we should lean on and trust the only One Who can.
I love when God shows me things in the middle of my day when I least expect it. He is always teaching me if I stay teachable.
Investing in Eternity,