Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One Meal One Day

     It is here November 9, 2011. Today is "One meal One day" with Compassion International. What a blessing to be part of something so much bigger then we are. In case you don't know what it is I will explain. Today people all over will be giving up one meal and donating the money from that meal to Compassion International to feed children in extreme poverty. I would love to challenge you to be a part. It is not to late! For the past several days our family has been preparing. It has been exciting to see our children want to help. They have also been able to see the big picture, the fact that we have everything we need to end world hunger in this generation. It is just a matter of everyone doing their part. To see the reaction in their eyes when they realized that 43 cents a day is what it cost to feed a child in extreme poverty. The light bulb in their head went off, that is so little compared to what we have. I am so happy that we get to be the hands and feet of Jesus today as we are hungry today so a child won't be!
     Lord, use us to make a difference, let us join in with so many others and give up what we have in order to help those you don't have. God, thank you for Compassion International who is standing in the gap for "the least of these". Let this not be a time of  me, me, me but a focus on what YOU can and will do thru us if we are willing to step out of our comfort zone and allow YOU to use us in YOUR plans. Jesus I am believing that you will bless this effort just as YOU did the fish and loaves and the multitude will be feed! In Jesus name, Amen.

Investing in Eternity,


Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th

     Growing up, September 11th was always a known day in our house. It's my mothers birthday.  I can honestly say I really don't remember any of my mom's birthdays except September 11, 2001.  How can any of us forget?  I remember having the news on that morning like I did every morning.  I sat down on the end of the bed as the coverage started.  I was watching as the second plane hit.  It was a shock!  I kept thinking, "not here, not on U.S. soil."  I told Jon what was happening.  We both stopped to watched.
     It was a very different phone call that morning when I called to wish my mom a happy birthday.  We talked about what we were watching on the news and how it was on every channel.  One of the things I have thought about each year since was this: My parents were hosting an exchange student from Brazil.  Her mom called and wanted to talk to her to be sure everything was OK.  Mom went to the school and brought her home.  I can't imagine what was going through her parents minds.  When we got to the house, she sat and watched with great concern with us.  I sat with my parents, my two little boys, and a dear friend from Brazil. We just could not believe what we were seeing.  The news coverage just kept going from New York to Washington D.C. to Pennsylvania.  The air traffic was stopped.  The phone lines were all busy.  We were unable to make or receive any international phone calls.  From that day on, life, as we knew it changed.  Backpacks are now searched at amusement parks and pro ball games.  We now have to tell our loved ones goodbye before we reach the terminal at the airport. 
     I personally did not know anyone with a direct connection to those who lost their lives 10 years ago.  I still feel a deep whole in my heart for them as if I did know them.  I will never forget the rescue workers who so selflessly gave at all cost.  True examples of what a hero is.  I remember the way that this horrific tragedy united our blessed country.  The feeling of pride every time I see our beautiful flag; the respect I have when I see any type of rescue worker; the way everyone prayed.
     Today, my family was invited to minister in music at another church. Although my children are too young to remember 9/11 or a pre 9/11 world they led a patriotic medley.  I cried as I saw them play and heard them sing in honor of this great nation on such a day as this.  I had the responsibility of telling them about the history of today.  With attentive ears they listened and even watched some of the original footage.  They saw a re-enactment of what was believed to take place on Flight 93.  So many heroes on that one flight.
     May we always remember how blessed this nation is.  May we always tell our loved ones that we love them. With no guarantee of tomorrow may we never let the sun set on our wrath.  May we share with the next generation the Christianity upon which this great nation was founded.  May we daily be looking for people to share the story of the greatest rescue worker, JESUS CHRIST, and how He gave His life so we could be rescued from this life.
     With a thankful heart, take time to pray for this nation, the leaders of this nation, and the future of this nation.  God has shed His grace on America and His truth is marching on!

Investing in Eternity,


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Scabs vs. Scars

     Last weekend I was reminded of the difference between scabs and scars.  I'm sure you are thinking, "I could care less."  Trust me, I think this may help anyone with kids, family or even friends.
     I guess I should go back to the time of the accident.  It was several months ago.  See God had a plan and Satan didn't like it and we, as a family, found ourselves in the middle of it.  Knowing that it was a spiritual battle helped, but, I'm sure you have been there, IT STILL HURT!  Our family has had to lean on God, trust Him, and pray like never before.  Recovery is always a hard road that sometimes comes with setbacks.  Just when you think that things are going good, SETBACK!!  I must confess that it is true:  the less you look at the wound the more you tend to forget about it.  Then, out of nowhere, you get bumped and all of a sudden you remember that you are still very sore, but you find yourself somewhat happy because you realize that YOU ARE HEALING!!
     It is so hard when you see the people you love get their scab knocked off.  You know how kids know better, but they still just can't resist picking at their scab even after you have repeatedly told them not to.  Well, it's the same with spiritual scabs.  Kids may not be talking about it but they still think about it which has the same affect as picking at a scab.  The more you pick at it (or think about it) the more it keeps the wound from healing.  I now understand that Satan is trying to do what he can to keep the scab from healing.  He is not picky.  He will use words, deeds, action, and thoughts.  You see, he knows that if we continue to clean the wound with prayer and wrap it in the word it WILL HEAL and all that will be left is a scar.  Most people don't like scars, but the great thing about them is that the area has COMPLETELY HEALED!!!!  When we look at the scar we instantly remember what happened.  We can even remember the pain that it caused.  Once you have got hurt you are even cautious when you get close to the same thing that caused you so much pain.  Sometimes people even ask about your scar and how it happened.  Can you believe that other people can learn from your pain?
       Have you ever been to the place when you think the scab is healing and just about ready to fall off all its own and suddenly you discover that it has been picked at (or thought about) just enough to keep it from healing.  As a parent you try not to bring it up because you don't want to be the one who keeps the thoughts alive and cause the healing to take longer.  Just because someone on the outside looks as if everything is OK, that doesn't mean that it is all OK.  That is what my children taught me last weekend.  They have tried to be brave, strong, and continue to go along as if nothing was wrong.  All the while, the scabs were just not healing.  I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit made a point to let them know that what was troubling them was important to Him.  Even though they had been able to hide the scabs from us, God knew it was time for them to heal so just a scar would be left.
     When it comes to children, they need all the love, support, and prayers that we can give them.  Today's youth has many scabs; some more visible than others.  I think the most effective way to help heal these scabs is to spend time interceding on their behalf.  The Holy Spirit will let you know when you can stop because the scab will have COMPLETELY HEALED and turned into a scar.
Investing in Eternity,

Investing in Eternity,

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Standing in the Need of Prayer

     I am asking you to stand with me in the need of prayer.  16 year old Tara is in great need of prayer. On July 9, 2011 she was diagnosed with NK Leukemia.  It is very rare with around 100 diagnoses worldwide.  It was a sudden onset.  Doctors said that she maybe only had it for around 2 weeks but it is extremely aggressive.  She is taking 2 different types of chemo.  One is every Tuesday for 3 weeks into her spinal column.  The other is into her blood 3 days in a row every 21 days.  Once the Leukemia is gone Doctors say she will need a bone marrow transplant.  This has been a total shock to her, her whole family, friends, and the community.  I am asking for you to take her request to the Lord in prayer often.  My mind can not imagine what her parents must be going thru.  I know families get these kind of diagnoses all the time but for some reason when it is someone we know then we have a face to put with that request and tend to pray more often.
     My husband and I have watched Tara grow up.  When we got married we moved in across the street from Tara and her family.  Tara was only 7 months old and they moved only a couple of years ago.  We live in a small rural town where you don't just "know of your" neighbors but you "truly know" them.  They were GREAT neighbors.  Tara would play in the yard with our kids.  If no one was home at her house she would come to our house when she got off the school bus.  We went to their house for shelter during a bad storm.  They even brought us supper during busy schedules.  We miss having them across the street. 
     They have had a less than a fun summer. Tara's Grandma died on Memorial Day, her dad had surgery on June 21 and then another one on July 6. When Tara was in the hospital on July 8 her Dad had to go downstairs to the ER because he had developed blood clots in his legs.  The next day Tara was diagnosed.
     If you are like me and have been blessed with a healthy family, PLEASE PRAY!  If you have children that are not in a hospital, PLEASE PRAY! If you have children that have been in the hospital, PLEASE PRAY!  If you have neighbors, PLEASE PRAY!  If God has done a miracle in your life or the life of someone you know PLEASE PRAY!  If you believe in the power of prayer PLEASE PRAY!
     When I spoke with Tara's Dad last night his only request was that we pray and ask people to pray.  He said that with this being so rare prayer is the only thing they have.
     One of the wonderful thing about being a Christian is that we have been given the powerful tool of prayer.  I know that prayer changes things!  What a blessing to intercede on the behalf of someone else even if we don't know that person.
     God was not surprised by Tara's diagnoses and he knows the outcome of it all.  He allows us to be involved by prayer.  I am reminded that Jesus took the stripes for our healing and that what the devil intended for evil God uses for good....TO GOD BE THE ALL GLORY!!!!! 
Investing in Eternity,

Monday, July 25, 2011

No Passing Zone.

I had a very "eye opening" experience and I knew immediately that I was to share this with you all.

I was driving today and saw a car passing another car.  The car that was passing was going VERY fast. Both cars were coming at me.  The fast car got back in it's lane very quickly.  The car that was being passed turned off just a few hundred feet after it was passed so you know that it wasn't going very fast at all.  God showed me how there have been times that I was that fast car, in a hurry, and the slow car was the "obstacle in my life" that God had not moved.. I tried to get ahead of God all because I was not patient and willing to wait on Him.  Instead, I was willing to risk an accident, even a great tragedy.  All the while, God was moving the "slow car" out of my way if only I would just be patient and wait on Him.  God gave me a visual of how close we get to that place where He all but has that obstacle out of our path.  I saw just how close we get to having an "open lane".  If that car would have just waited mere seconds; but no, we just don't wait. We try to hurry and, in the meantime, are a distraction to others and risk their well being.  Since we can't see what is ahead, we should lean on and trust the only One Who can.

I love when God shows me things in the middle of my day when I least expect it.  He is always teaching me if I stay teachable.

Investing in Eternity,

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

     There is an episode of the Waltons where Elizabeth asked her dad where he found her.  I love his response "Hiding behind one of your mom's smiles." 
     HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the fathers.  Thank God for the blessings that you found behind your wife's smile.  

Investing in Eternity, 

Monday, June 13, 2011

This week: Celebrating Father's Day

       Ladies, I know that your husband is not your father, but please, wish him a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY this Sunday!
     If you are like me, you have at sometime used "you're not my dad" excuse not to buy your husband a gift.  True as this is, it is an invalid excuse.  If your husband is a Godly man who is teaching your children by example to love, honor, and serve the Lord with all their heart, mind, body, and soul...YOU ARE BLESSED! 

If he lets his daughters put hair barrettes in his hair so they can be the hairstylist...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If he sees you approaching the mommy meltdown and suddenly take the kids outside to play...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If he sells his golf clubs in order to save money and be at home with his family more...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If he makes up bedtime stories so you can get started on laying out tomorrow's stuff...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If he makes you laugh...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If just being around him makes you want to be a better person...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If he opens the car door for you in front of your kids...YOU ARE BLESSED!  

If he loads up the van and takes his family to church...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If he helps out, even thought it's not the way you would do it...YOU ARE BLESSED! 

If he is the kind of man you pray that your sons will grow up to be...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If he is the kind of man that you pray your daughters will grow up to marry...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If he kisses you goodnight...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If he kisses you good morning...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If he leans over to you in a crowded room and whispers the two words "sweet nothings"...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If he tells you he loves you...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If he tells your children he loves them...YOU ARE BLESSED!

If he loves the Lord more than he loves you...YOU ARE BLESSED!

     I know Father's Day is a week away, so take this week to notice how blessed you are, and tell him.  Don't wait for Father's Day to tell him.  Thank him for being the head of your home.  Spend time on your knees thanking God for the father of your children.  Lay hands on your husband this week and pray for him to continue to grow closer to Christ and for the Lord to strengthen his weaknesses. Pray for him to have the mind of Christ, and to be filled with Godly wisdom as he faithfully leads your family in a life of obedient service to our Savior.

     Satan wants to steal, kill, and destroy "THE FAMILY".  Ladies, let's lift up our husbands in prayer like never before.  Oh, the power of prayer!  It's time to pray a bigger hedge of protection around our families and the leader of our homes.  If you don't have children yet, it's not to early to start, PRAY NOW!  If you've never had children know that, chances are, someone is looking to your husband as a male role model or a father figure, PRAY NOW!  If your children are grown, it's your legacy, PRAY NOW!  If you have toddlers, don't let the "terrible two's" be a distraction, PRAY NOW!  If you have teens, don't let the "teen stuff" be a distraction, PRAY NOW!  If life is distracting you from praying, know that it isn't life that is distracting you, it's the lie of the enemy.  Stay focused and PRAY!

     As I write this, I am so thankful for the head of my home.  I am so honored that he has drawn a line and is standing on the promise that " for me and my house, we will serve the Lord".  I appreciate the "strong hands" that are leading our home.  I am blessed far beyond the curse!!!!   

     "Lord, thank You for allowing Jon to be the man with whom You wanted me to spend my life.  Thank You for the man he is and the man he desires to be.  Lord, keep him in the center of your will.  Father, fill him with the desire to be closer to you each day.  Fill his mind with Your wisdom.  Give him revelation.  Make him the leader You want him to be.  Open doors for him to pour Your love into the lives of others.  Lord, remind him that his children are watching him daily to learn what a true man of God looks like.  Bless the work of his hands.  Grant him favor.  Keep him humble.  Let everything he does be done with the intent to bring honor and glory to You, Heavenly Father.  Amen."          

Investing in Eternity,

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Will you be surprised that certain people are in Heaven or will certain people be surprised that you are in Heaven?
Let's make a special point to live this week as ones who are redeemed and headed for our eternal home.  We are a people who have problems, but the problems don't have us.   We should seek out and share Jesus with the ones that God has placed in our path.  Acts 4:29b says, "...enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness." 
I don't want anyone to be surprised that I am in Heaven.  I want people to know that I am headed to Heaven and that I would love to see them there.

Investing in Eternity,

Friday, June 3, 2011

Raising A Princess

     Millions of people watched April 29, 2011 as Prince William and Kate Middleton were united in marriage.  It seemed a fairytale picture perfect wedding with lots of media coverage and the finest that money could buy.  Souvenirs of all price ranges, a dress designed just for the bride, a four minute walk down the aisle, and all was sealed with the balcony kiss as the world watched.
     Kate Middleton was once someone that no one knew.  She was just a little girl growing up at home, playing with friends and family.  Just making childhood memories.  I bet she had no idea that her future would one day be that people worldwide would speak of her as if they were on a first name basis or that she would be recognized by people of every nation. 
     My husband and I, together with the Lord, are raising two princesses.  We are at that wonderful stage of family time and making memories.  In my mother's heart I believe that someday their prince will come.  I must admit that I have been praying that he, too, will be of royalty.  We are trying to prepare them for their role of a royal bride.  To accept all the duties and enjoy all the benefits that a life of royalty has to offer.  I don't expect the same kind of media coverage on their wedding day.  Most likely they will wear a dress right off the rack and the walk down the aisle will be less than four minutes.  But, every detail of their wedding will be observed by the Creator of the heavens and the earth.  King Jesus will be the most honored guest. 
     You see, my little girls have already made the choice to be of the royal family, each of them a princess to the Most High.  They know and have accepted that they were bought with blood....Royal blood.  They are part of the blood line that heals and restores, that cleanses and saves all mankind. 
     I do think of them as "my little girls", but I know they are God's and I feel so honored that He chose for their little souls to be housed in the flesh of my flesh and is allowing me the privilege of shaping their lives and sharing the truth of eternal life with their souls.             

 Raising a princess is a full time job with eternal benefits.

     Investing in Eternity, 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sacrifice of all Sacrifices.

     I have spent today thinking about yesterday's post.  I kept replaying the feelings that I had when I was not on U.S. soil and then those feelings of then I returned to the U.S.A.  This took my thoughts to a weekend that took place over 2,000 years ago.  I found myself thinking about how Jesus came to this earth He created.  How He left the splendor of Heaven and spent 33 years here(compared to Heaven...foreign soil).  He served all types of people while He was here, while so many tried to hinder His testimony.
      I thought about when my Jesus returned home to Heaven after conquering death, Hell, and the grave.  Oh, I remember how I felt.  I was home safe back where I belonged.  Not only was He home but He had fulfilled the mission that He had been assigned.  Not a mission for himself but one for us.  One that would bring true peace to the hearts of those that would accept His mission as accomplished.  How wonderful it must have been for Him to see the Father, to show Him the scares.
     Let us stop to think about that blood that was shed for our peace and  healing here on earth.  Let us not forget that same blood was shed for our salvation and eternal life. 
     Sacrifice: the act of offering the life of a person in propitiation of or homage to a deity, the act of giving up, destroying, forgoing something valued for the sake of something having a more pressing claim.


 A closing thought: Jesus would have rather come to earth and be hung on a tree to die, than to spend eternity without YOU.  He loves you more than you have ever loved anyone and He agreed with the Father that you are so worth the sacrifice of all sacrifices.

Monday, May 30, 2011


 Memorial Day 2011.

     Today I am thinking about all the young men and women who have so unselfishly took 24/7 out of their lives to defend this land that I love.  I have been blessed to have been on foreign soil one time and I cannot express the feeling that came over me when I knew that I was no longer in the U.S.  A feeling of loneliness; as if others may not really believe or trust me, was evident.  I believed that others looked at me as if I was out of place, a misfit, a fish out of water.
     I remember the feelings that flooded me when I knew that I was back on U.S. soil. I had such a sense of pride, safety, and security.  I was home...the place I belonged.  I live in the great country of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. I am so thankful and I feel so blessed to be a woman living in this great nation. A nation where many men and women have left the comfort of their homes and family and many never returned to that safe and secure feeling to which I was able to return. I think about all the blood that was shed by these soldiers. I remember stories that my great uncle would share with us when we were younger. He was a P.O.W.  My mind cannot imagine what all he and so many others have went through so that I can sit here today listening to my family and friends play and sing music to the Lord, and that I can write a blog to share about my Jesus and how the Holy Spirit so wants to be active in every aspect of our lives.  Just the sight of the red and white stripes with the blue background to those 50 white stars, or the sound of just the first few notes to "The Star Spangled Banner" brings me back to all the same feelings that I had when I was back in my own country.  I love this country.  I love upon which it was founded!  I am filled with emotion when I see the flag pass me in a parade and I am eager to stand to my feet in respect of the lives given for my freedom.  For the past several years, I have purposed to shake the hand of men in women in uniform.  With a tear in my eye, I say, "On behalf of my family and I, Thank you for your service."  I am very humbled and they are so deserving. 
     Last Saturday I spent the day with a friend who served this country for 8 years.  She shared about her and her husband being deployed just months after their daughter was born.  She shared how she missed those mother moments like the first tooth, crawling, first steps, first words, and first birthday.  She missed the first year of mothering.  She expressed how it was hard and how she cried after notification of each missed milestone.  I share this with you because even though you may not know her or her husband, they served on your behalf. They missed that first year of bonding with their daughter in order to defend the things you and I take for granted today and everyday.  So, to Sandy and Troy and thousands of others, I say this. While I was in the comfort of my home complaining of sleep deprived nights, the price of formula and diapers, you were defending the rights of others, thousands of miles away missing your baby.   I pray that God blesses you far beyond on what you missed.  You are so valued and I truly appreciate your sacrifice.    

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Teams are now forming.

     Today begins Memorial Day Weekend. The start of the summer season. School is out and summer team sports are about to be in full swing.
     Life wants us to participate. God is patiently waiting to see on which team we are going to play.  He gives us the choice.  In life, we can suit up and play on the world's team where everyday is about our wants and our desires.  This team usually has several injuries all though the season.  Some injuries occur during practice with  its own teammates.  Some of the injuries never fully heal and the scars are visible for life.  A team where you may warm the bench or even worse get thrown into the game just to be used as a distraction to the other team; not because you are great at your position, but because your team feels you are not a threat.  This is a team where your status is evaluated by your position.  It is member vs. member each striving to achieve self recognition.
     Or you can suit up and be an active member on God's team.  A team where the members meet together to encourage each other.  A team where everyone gets a chance to play and no one position is better than the other.  A team where every member knows that they win in the end.  A team in which the owner wants to share the profits with all the members.
     As summer begins and teams are forming, practices are starting, positions are being filled, and uniforms are being passed out, just remember...Life wants you to participate but God wants you to be an active member of His team and joint heirs with all that He has as team owner.  When the season is over you can be part of the winning photo and recall all the great plays of the "big game".

Investing in Eternity,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Thought For Today.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Have a great day(it's your choice)!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Mom That Was Never Mentioned.

On April 14, my Bible reading was John 6 and this is what I felt the Lord showed me...

     I imagine it was early and this little boy had his adventure all planed for the day.  He had heard the talk about this man who was going to be speaking in the area.  He asked his mother if he could go and she said yes. Yet knowing how growing boys get hungry she said, "just a minute."  (I have a 10 and a 12 year old boy and trust me they can't go long without food, that is why I see this little boy about the same age of my boys. Therefore, not just A FISH and A LOAF but FIVE loaves and TWO fish.)  I can see her stopping what she was doing to be sure that her son had a little basket all packed with his lunch.  She may have said, "Here, I packed you something...I know how hungry you get.  I even sent you some extra in case you need to share. I hope you have fun.  One more thing...don't forget your manners, son."

     You know the story.  Jesus was speaking and the crowd was about 5,000. Jesus tested Philip when he asked him where he was going to buy bread for all these people.  Andrew spoke up and shared about this little boy and what he had in his basket. This makes me think of my 10 year old because he would find a way to get right up to the front where all the action was.  I wonder how Andrew knew that this little boy had a lunch and how he knew exactly what and how much he had. Was he already eating?  Had his mother packed more that just the five loaves and the two fish? Did the little boy hear Jesus talking and offer what he had to Andrew thinking that maybe Jesus and the disciples could eat his lunch?  What would his mother say when he got home and told her that Jesus and his disciples didn't have any food but he remembered what she had taught share?  Did he think that his mother would be suprised that he was able to feed Jesus? 

     This mother was a prepared woman always thinking ahead. (I like her already!) I like to think she was organized always tryinig to stay several steps ahead.  She spent her first hours of her day living in the later hours of the day trying to be sure that everything was thought of, planned out, and details all covered.

      How many times as a mother have you been criticized or the brunt of the joke because you are "ALWAYS OVER-PREPARED." Some people laugh and roll their eyes at me while others say, "I like doing stuff with you because you think of everything."  As a mother of four kids in five years, there were times I carried everything you could imagine, and sometimes more than that.  I remember when our fourth child was born.  I made a special shopping trip just to get a diaper bag that was designed for a mother of 4. It was known as  "THE BAG".  It went everywhere we went; almost like a fifth child or at least as heavy as another child.

     John 6 shows me that not only is it important to be prepared, but as mothers it is our responsibility to teach our children to share what they have even if it is only something as small as our lunch. If that little boy had not had a mother that was concerned, prepared, and had taught her son about sharing, how would that day have turned out?  She also taught him a great lesson that if you give your little to the Lord He can and will use it to help others and bring glory to His name.  Not only did Jesus feed the 5,000 until they were full, but there was left overs.  When we trust God with all that we have and give it to him He blesses it. Needs are met and he always leaves us in a place of more than when we started.  He is the God of increase.

      As a mom we sometimes feel that what we do, "the everyday mom stuff", is just routine and that in the big picture of life, does it really matter?  Does anyone notice that I stay up late and get up early so that my family has what they need to make their day run smooth?

      I hope from this story you are encouraged to continue to be prepared and know that you just might be raising the "little boy or little girl" that God uses to feed the next 5,000, because you, MOM, have been preparing, teaching, loving, and sharing.  The mother in John 6 was never mentioned  reminding us that is it is not all about us. Yet, she had an impact.  As a mom, your ministry is your children.  Therefore, sow a lot of seed into your ministry, pray over your ministry, ask God to bless your ministry, give God control of your ministry and expect God to bring glory to himself through the harvest of your ministry.

Investing in Eternity, 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!!!
I hope that you have had a restful Mother's Day.  I wasn't served breakfast in bed, or presented with a lap full of things to dust but I was wrapped in the arms of each one in my family and told "Happy Mother's Day".  That is a gift that any mother can enjoy.  With four children the line did last for a few minutes.  How blessed I am!!!!
We all got ready for church and off we went.  Nothing extra fancy, no new outfits, but if I have one thing that I will always remember about Mother's Day 2011, it would be this...for the first Mother's Day ever my husband and myself both had our mothers with us.  How awesome that our children had their mom and both grandmothers in church with them!  That is the legacy to which I pray my children will hold tight.

Investing in Eternity,